Kate Kirk & Libby Roesner – Condobolin Landcare Coordinators overseeing the project

This project will see a large corridor of farm land restored to native vegetation in the Derriwong & Ootha districts of central NSW. The activities will engage passionate landholders, Landcare, the Condobolin Green Army team and community in undertaking revegetation activities that will connect two threatened ecological communities, providing a significant area of native vegetation to extend existing corridors and increase biodiversity.

The project will provide multi-beneficial conservation and agricultural outcomes in this productive grain, lamb and wool region. This will be done by including provision of habitat and refuges for threatened woodland and migratory birds and other wildlife, connectivity with existing remnant vegetation, a valuable seed collection resource, stock shelter and improved grazing management.

The project outcomes are:

  1. 28,800 TREE & UNDERSTOREY SPECIES PLANTED - the project will establish 15 tree & understorey species, with 14 of these having a potential height of >2m and thus contributing towards the 20 million tree target. Plantings will be conducted over the two consecutive autumns of 2017 and 2018.
  1. IMPROVE THE EXTENT & CONDITION OF NATIVE VEGETATION - The project will provide strategic revegetation to improve the extent and condition of native vegetation and re-establish resilient linkages between existing wildlife corridors for 6 threatened bird species, including 2 migratory birds.
  2. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT - The project will have a strong focus on effective community engagement through a robust three-way partnership of 10 passionate landholders, 2 Landcare organisations, and Indigenous engagement through the Condobolin Green Army team.


Image 1. Corridors (highlighted in yellow and red) where tree lines will be planted.

This project is funded by the Dept. of Environment’s 20 Million Trees Programme.

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