LachLandcare Inc. is delighted to have the support of our District Members, who contribute to our strong governance and capacity to deliver landcare initiatives throughout the region:
Upper Lachlan Landcare was formed by the Upper Lachlan Catchment Coordinating Committee to support Landcare activities in the Upper Lachlan Region. They act as the umbrella Landcare Group for the 13 Landcare Groups of the Upper Lachlan catchment and assist local groups with events, projects, funding applications and brokering partnerships with Government and other agencies.
Boorowa Community Landcare Group (BCLG) & Hovells Creek Landcare Group (HCLG) collectively provide district representation to LachLandcare. BCLG was established in 1989 to address the issue of dryland salinity on agricultural land. They host community based workshops and field days, volunteer tree planting weekends, and a coordinated fox baiting program. Other landcare initiatives include Superb Parrot monitoring and working with Boorowa Council to protect a valuable remnant of Box Gum Grassy Woodland at 'Red Hill Reserve'.
HCLG formed in 1995 and has since grown into an important self-help, local area, support body of some 50 farm family members. They act as a professional body to organise field trips, on-farm workshops and field days, as well as managing funding support for important environmental projects. Some regional activities are organised in association with our Boorowa, Crookwell or Cowra based Landcare associates. Current projects include Biodiversity Protection and Habitat Rehabilitation on Lachlan Valley Farmland; Riverslea Travelling Stock Reserve Regeneration; Threatened Species Review in the K2W – Hovells Creek Area; Seed Collection and Propagation of Endangered Local Tree, Shrub and Ground Storey Species; and Biocontrol of Weeds of Regional Farmland Significance.
Condobolin and Districts Landcare were founded in 2000 with the aim of improving the long term productivity, profitability and sustainability of our land and communities. They have an executive committee of six and employ a Landcare Support Officer one day per week.
Central West Lachlan Landcare is about the community, businesses, schools, local industry, people within townships and farm families, working together to effectively use and manage natural resources within the overall goal of promoting and enhancing a sustainable and productive environment. The Central West Lachlan Landcare Committee is made up of representatives from our local area who donate their time and expertise to keep up to date on events and opportunities for Landcare in our area.
Young District Landcare operates as an independent and voluntary group of producers, landholders and community members who share a common interest and regard for landcare outcomes for the community, farm businesses and landscapes of the district. Their aims are to identify and raise awareness of natural resource degradation issues, encourage adoption of sustainable natural resource management practices, and foster cooperation within the community.
Weddin Landcare is production and biodiversity focused, with the objective to maintain and enhance biodiversity in the Weddin Shire whilst promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Grenfell Urban Landcare (a sub-group of Weddin Landcare) was formed in April and immediately established a 'Friends of Company Dam Reserve' group to explore and protect the flora and fauna of Company Dam Reserve. Our recent activities include Backyard Fruit Tree Care and Pruning workshops, Wattle Day and Threatened Species Day events. Activities planned for this coming spring and summer include composting workshops, bird watching and wildflower walks, seed collecting, and native bee workshops.